Monday 27 June 2011

DIY Hooch Kit

You know you’re supposed to eat five portions of fruit and veg a day, right? Well, imagine being able to count an alcoholic drink beverage as one of your fruits? Dreams do come true, dudes, ‘cos now you can turn your favourite fruit juice into a lekker alcoholic drink.

This product ranks high on my list of legendary gadgets because it really does transform fruit juice into booze. How? You simply decant your favourite juice into a large bottle, pour in the magic powder, pop the rubber stopper and airlock into the lid and let the wonder of fermentation work its magic.

The minimum brewing time is 48 hours, but as with any booze, the longer you leave it to work the more potent your end product will become. The result is a refreshing fizzy fruit juice with a maximum alcohol content of 14%. What’s not to love?

You get 6 sachets of the magic powder, 1 airlock, 6 bottle stickers and an instruction leaflet for R180. Phuza on!

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