Wednesday 18 January 2012

Nissan - world’s first self-repairing iPhone case

Don’t you hate it when your touch screen phone is ruined with scratches? That could be a thing of the past with Nissan’s world first self-healing iPhone case that makes use of their Scratch Shield paint technology.

The Scratch Shield paint is made from polyrotaxane, which has a chemical structure that is able to change back to its original shape and fill the gap that results from a scratch. Small scratches can self repair in an hour, while more severe scratches can take up to a week.

The Scratch Shield paint also provides a gel-like surface which makes the iPhone easier to grip compared to the glossy, slippery surface it now has.

If demand proves strong, Nissan plans to release the cases compatible with the iPhone 4 and 4S for sale to the public later this year. Then it is time to wave goodbye to scratches for good!

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