Monday, 11 July 2011

Vinturi Aerator Connoisseur Set

Ever wondered why the last glass of wine out of the bottle always tastes better than the first? No, it’s not because you’re totally wasted, it’s due to the fact that you need to let wine breathe if you want to enjoy it properly. What a schlep! If you’re one of those impatient folk who tries willingly but to no avail to distract yourself from the open bottle in front of you then the Vinturi Wine Aerator is for you.

This remarkably easy gadget allows you to enjoy your wine almost immediately: All you have to do is hold the Aerator over your glass and pour the wine into the top. The wine is then filtered and oxygenated to release all of those lovely aromas and flavours.

The Vinturi Aerator Connoisseur Set includes the Aerator itself and comes with a cool stand that allows you to make a real feature of the whole process. You’ll pop your wine glass underneath the Aerator (now attractively held in place so you don’t have to) and voila – magic! The set also comes with a sediment filter, a table stand for you to pop the Vinturi in when you're not using it, and a pouch to make sure it doesn't get clogged up with dust while it waits patiently in a drawer for your next wine night.

It is dishwasher safe and retails at R795.

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