Wednesday 4 May 2011

Controlling the Beverage Opening

Are you a geek who likes beer? Are you proud of that fact and want to take every opportunity to announce it? Are you a fan of inside jokes? If the answer to these questions is “Hells Yeah” then have we got a gadget for you. It’s a bottle opener with CTRL + O engraved on it, and the O is where you put the bottle cap.

Isn’t that awesome?

In true geek fashion there will undoubtedly be upgrades. Version 2.0 will probably have a wi-fi component to Tweet everytime you open a beer, 2.1 will have GPS capabilities so friends can find you for a social drink and by the time they release V3 you probably won’t even need to use your hands.

It will all be mind-controlled via the RFD chip implanted at the base of your brain.

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